Monday, January 12, 2009

All wrapped up

Aaah, Saturday night in Casey's - the official wrap party for the play. Because we clearly haven't spent enough time in each other's company. An award-filled evening, with everyone in top form.

Casey's have a series of montages lining its walls, marking big events over the years. There's a new addition: The Swan - named for an evening (or more accurately, an early morning) where we were all given a posing-for-photos tutorial. Seriously, the things other people know about...

Anyhoo, The Swan is a lovely thing, filled with glossy images of a beaming cast & crew. When it was being passed from person to person on Saturday night, I caught an upside down glance, then leaned in to investigate a peculiarly bright pink colour. Was that one of us? Could we have gone so very wrong with make-up?

It was a penguin. A day glo, plastic penguin.

I think the drama group may have found its mascot.

And now that the Wilde times are over, it's time to restore the regular order. Hmm... there's something very medieval about this - a return to normal after a Christmas season of topsy turvydom. Not that we had the guiding force of an official Lord of Misrule to preside over the revels, but we muddled through...

And now to work :-)

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