Sunday, August 16, 2009

Not so lazy Sunday

Barely got to glance up at this afternoon's Columbo, I was so focused on sewing flowers and hair bands for the play.

So, Friday was The Great Shakespeare Costume Search (part the second). And it was declared a success by all; phew. Yesterday was the Great Granola Bake-Off, and today's all flowers and ribbon. Time for a pre-rehearsal snack, then it's off to the Garden to play...

And in true topical naming fashion, the fishies were christened Rosencrantz and Guildenstern. And it is with a heavy heart that I declare, 'Guildenstern is dead'.

Tom Stoppard would do something clever with this situation. But me - I'm hungry, and off to crank up the Food Machine :-)


TomRourke said...

And the Granola is very good indeed....

SaraC said...

Reading your blog entry, it does suggest that Guildenstern became a fish supper. Personally, I would not have thought that he would have made great eating..

Sorry to hear of the demise


Orlaith said...

Gasp!!! Oh how wibbley and unstable is language!

Guildenstern was not eaten. At least, not by me. I don't know what was waiting for him as he began his next journey...

In any case, the boning knife in the house isn't great. They'd have been the teeniest fillets ever. Dipped in flour and egg, some fine breadcrumbs, served up crispy with a splash of lemon juice and a side of spicey potato wedges.

I would never.

TomRourke said...

what's really disturbing is that you have thought through the cooking me Hansel, but its making me nervous!

SaraC said...

Well one could always have taken the whitebait approach and cooked him whole but he may have been a little large for that.

Still how about it for the next Masterchef challenge- goldfish filleting...