Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Sunshiney things

Apparently the voyage of my belongings across the high seas is nearing an end... It's funny, the odd things you miss: a seascape, a dinky laundry basket, margarita glasses (sigh).

And of course, often I reach out to look up a quote in a book, and of course, it's not yet here. (God bless Project Gutenberg and a zillion other resources for their efforts in compiling e-texts; they've saved the day on myriad occasions.)

I was trying to remember a line from a poem - I think it's MacNeice - that I always associate with dappled sunlight, particularly those big medallions of gold in the leafy shade of a forest floor. Anyhoo, the line is something like 'Close your eyes, there are doubloons beneath your lids...' - which is just the feeling when you step through a sunlit forest, passing through darkness and light.

And that sparked off another image - of sunlight and sculptures underwater - from Jason de Caires Taylor. After meandering through his gallery, I watched a short film on his work, and slideshows of how the sculptures change over time - by the end I was thinking 'Why isn't art being installed all over the ocean floor?' - it just seemed such a fantastic environment and medium. Divers and snorkellers could have even more treaty things to discover in the depths...

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