Friday, April 24, 2009

Friday Medley

Yikes, is that the time...

While I think of it: David Simon, executive producer of the oh-so-fabulous The Wire - is interviewed here by Bill Moyers, who remarks: “What Edward Gibbon was to the decline and fall of the Roman Empire, or Charles Dickens to the smokey, mean streets of Victorian London, David Simon is to America today.” Aaah, how I love that show; as Simon says, it's not the story of America, but "the story of the America that got left behind..."

And in this Baltimore, we're also talking productions - something summerey, open-airey, something of the Shakespeare variety. The plan is to do scenes from several different plays, and lead the audience through the delightful Glebe Gardens from one setting to another. After a very rough casting, I've been sent home to read Queen Titania for 3.I of Midsummer Night's Dream. Know what the lady does for 90% of the scene? Naps. Well, maybe she snoozes too; I haven't quite figured out my motivation yet...

And in other news: the advantage of doing the odd bit of volunteering for Glenans Irish Sail Club is that should you wander in to work, perchance waffley about the lovely sailing at the weekend, the office shifts into Encouragement Mode and sends you away with an armful of resources :-)

Have a fabulous weekend :-)


Anonymous said...

Ahhhhhh.......and if you get tired playing with the ittle boats, there's always....

Orlaith said...

Ha - brilliant! And you know, the last time I went swimming, the pool was a bit too busy for me, so I loitered by the steps, and along floated a yellow rubber duckie... which I happily played with until it was sauna time.

What's that? So easily pleased, you say?

Course, I could play with the duckie and the boats, although you'd need to tweak the narrative, because the scale is out of whack: Mutant Killer Duckie glides towards hapless teen sailers...

Orlaith said...

And there's me getting so excited, I'm misspelling things... Time to settle down with a glass o'red and watch something murderous :-)