Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Stars by any other name

Among her many many volumes, Sara has the same edition of Louis MacNeice's Poems that I used to have - I took it out today and leafed through, gazing at words and couplets like old friends. I stopped to reread one that I used to have on my desk at work in Exeter. These days, there are probably different words that I would keep close to me in an office environment, but that's where I was, then: treasuring the stand-still quality of the last lines...

What is truth? says Pilate,
Waits for no answer;
Double your stakes, says the clock
To the ageing dancer;
Double the guard, says Authority,
Treble the bars;
Holes in the sky, says the child
Scanning the stars.

After some beautiful cooling rain this morning, the world has heated up once more. I must divine the secret to a good iced coffee...

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