Monday, January 18, 2010

Sense of Place

In Bushes last night, we were talking about a trip that friends of mine are making today to the Dominican Republic. Conversation turned of course to Haiti, to emergency routes and fly zones, and the behind-the-bar Atlas was requested.

Who knew?

And lo and behold, a weighty atlas was produced. There's a neat inscription written on its fly leaf, explaining that it was donated to Bushes for the purpose of settling arguments. Arguments featuring one local in particular.

One suspects the mediating atlas has been called forth often over the years.

I imagined if such a book was in Plum Village, the Zen Buddhisty inscription would be something overtly affectionate and warm. It might read something like 'to help quieten seeds of discontent and frustration among our treasured community'.

And though the Baltimore version might phrase it differently, its purpose - with its teasing humour - is probably much the same.

And in other news:


TomRourke said...

Did it have a little Swiss flag on the cover?

Orlaith said...

You've hit on a great idea: a Peace Pack for Families and Small Communities!