Monday, October 5, 2009

Seeing and Doing

Wanted to link to one of TED's talks today: photographer Taryn Simon gives a brief tour (18 mins) of two projects.

The first began after September 11: instead of looking outward to map other lands, she spent five years gaining access to traditionally secret American sites (her favourite rejection letter was from Disney, who didn't want a photograph to threaten their created world). A great presentation, from inbred white tigers and Lucas's Death Star to live HIV virus. Gets the neurons firing :-)

The second project focuses on men who were wrongly convicted based on photographs, highlighting how easily images can be distorted, and deceive.

In the midst of prepping for being in Dublin most of this week, and from there I'm head on to an artists' retreat.

Sigh. Perhaps I'll just type that again, slowly, and savour those words:

An artists' retreat.
For a week.

1 comment:

TomRourke said...

Ok, convinced now, knowing Orlaith makes you porridge, or is it carrots? duh! Keep up the good work, this stuff is great.