Monday, September 14, 2009

Monday smiles

Lots of sea-thoughts this afternoon, and while meandering online I came across the work of David Doubilet, who among other things, is one of the photographers-in-residence for National Geographic. His work is a wonderfully eclectic mix, from the looming Wreck of the MV Keith Tibbetts, the elegant duality of this little convoy of ray... this baby green sea turtle, which must be the underwater equivalent* of a ginger kitten in a wicker basket, wearing a bow.

*Obviously, the major difference is that ginger kitten doesn't make you think "Mmm... pina colada".


TomRourke said...

Never cease to be amazed at how, from the same point of departure, you manage to wander down paths of wonder, mystery and delight ....and I'm finding highways through industrial parks full of techno, political babble....then again it might just be that I'm browsing like I'm running. Its all there I'm just missing the turns. Anyhoo, keep on meandering. This stuff is great.

Orlaith said...

Well I am very glad you like it, Tom :-)