Monday, September 28, 2009

Lifting the Veil

Okay, I realise from the outside looking in, I tweeted mysteriously and then disappeared. It didn't feel at all like that, more like: breakfast - pack - make pot o'coffee - pack - figure out the packing of goldfishies - drink a cup of coffee while loading up the car, then fill the High Maintenance Travel Mug with the rest of the pot and hit the road.

Whew. So no mystery there. E-curtness, maybe. Just no enigma.

Speaking of which, the NY Times has a new blog up on e-protocol, "to help you gracefully navigate the murky waters of a hyper-connected world". Now we can all be charming online :-)

And as for me, I have navigated to Dublin, where I am babysitting nephew & nieces this week while my sister tries out a radical treatment for a slipped disc called: "rest".

Intriguing. So far so good :-)


TomRourke said...

e-protocol: now you have me thinking about the acceptable conventions on Blog Commenting having drifted into profession and lacked any formal training or an approved apprenticship scheme. For example, if I had , for the sake of argument posted a comment like "RADICAL!!!!, there has to be a stronger word than RADICAL!" would that break some delicate rule on "blog extension based on insider insight?". Hmmmmm.....

Orlaith said...

Okay this is a bigger etiquette issue than I can address: maybe we should:
(a) ask the nice person at the NY Times, and meanwhile
(b) offer thanks that the Supine One (who is currently very vertical) doesn't swing by these pages very often :-)