Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Thanks for the inspiration

A few snaps from Gilbert Baker's very lovely talk last week. Baker, who worked alongside Harvey Milk back in the day, is the designer of the rainbow flag that is ubiquitous at Pride marches and has been co-opted by so many peace movements. *And* he worked with Absolut to design their Rainbow bottle.

He spoke beautifully; his talk filled with a broad perspective on activist movements & the sharing of artistic work (he had a stroke earlier this year, and he clearly wasn't sweating the small stuff anymore). He also painted the teeniest rainbow for the National Gallery, which was received by one of their  curators with great humour and evident appreciation. A moving, delightful evening.

Afterwards I gave him one of our work mugs, as a teeny token of appreciation. We had a little "Thank you" "No thank *you*" "No, thank **you**" moment. Gracious and warm to the end.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Lovely to see that his inspiration was not wasted. The blaze of colour on your blog and profiler makes the rest of the world look very dull in comparison! Keep up the good work!