Sunday, June 26, 2011

Le Grand Flump

A hectic week, with work and leaks and mushrooms growing in the Cottage and more work and dehumidifiers and decorating a skeleton and babysitting and a little cat going crazy from the dehumidifiers and plumbers (though she was ok with the mushrooms) and much more work.

And now the dehumidifier has no more moisture to catch. Grateful :-)

And the Dublin Pride Parade 2011 went beautifully. 25k people marching, 100k people lining the streets. Oodles of photos to download but for now, this one I found online captures the vibe :-)

Needless to say, this is a morning of flumping :-)


Anonymous said...

Beautiful picture. Looks like a great day.

Orlaith said...

Thank you - supercolourful flags make for good images! It was a fantastic day :-)