Thursday, November 12, 2009

Table Tops

While the pot of coffee gurgles to completion in the background...

Tonight marks the opening of Winter Table Quiz season. It's beginning with a series of quizzes organised by the Baltimore Drama group, but there'll be other organisations, other causes, other quizzes through the winter and spring.

In teeny villages, in the dark midwinter, it is the great Table Quiz that helps keep us off suicide watch :-)

[invisible pause while I go and get coffee...]

Oh my goodness - must share the news! So, a certain someone emailed through a coffee tip, with the note 'I think you're the only person who might find this interesting' (fair point). I harbour strong feelings about milk in coffee: the amount; the warmth thereof. Anyhoo, this was a short cut to warm frothy milk.

And it works! It's not two-inch high fancy barista froth, but smooth cafe-au-lait-in-Paris kind of foam. Afternoon coffee break just got better!


TomRourke said...

All nostalgic in London now....go , what was the team again, "Mackeral..." something or something "Falcons"?? So its an awfully long run from the Sibin if you need to find and answer in the village!

Orlaith said...

Ha! This Quiz Season will be free from such tactics. It might not be exactly cheating, but it's pretty close!