Thursday, November 27, 2008

No harm, no...

Well, what else would you send out there on Thanksgiving but Sarah Palin and her turkey-pardoning-cum-slaughtering antics.

The uncensored interview (here) is funny enough; following a token turkey-pardoning, Palin is interviewed while work gets underway behind; the interviewer hams it up, asking about state programmes 'on the chopping block'.

But the news report on the interview adds a whole other level, complete with real-crime-tv blurring out of turkey parts and headline titles worthy of The Onion: "Turkeys die as Gov. Palin takes questions from media"; "Gov. Sarah Palin keeps talking while turkeys get slaughtered behind her"; "Turkey-killing fowls Palin's news conference":

I'm not sure on whom this reflects most poorly.

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