Saturday, April 2, 2011

Everyday Play

When I finally downloaded my photos, I had oodles of shots of this year's cherry blossoms (which I've typed twice now as 'cheery blossoms', perhaps with good cause). Trees that I pass on the walk to work, on the way to visit friends or family, on little meandering walks; blossoms blossoms everywhere.

Before the last one gives up its petals to this blustery weather, I thought I'd mark this fleeting, Pablo Neruda time of year:

"I want to do with you what Spring does with the cherry trees."

Quite sublime. From Neruda's Every Day You Play.


Anonymous said...

Hosting some international visitors to the city recently, I was really struck by one of them, a man of middle age and fearsome reputation, stopping suddenly in College and exclaiming "Can that be? Cherry blossoms?". He stood with a broad smile on his face and a distant look in his eye, as one by one we were drawn together and made complicit in his sense of wonder.

Lovely pic and great quote.

Orlaith said...

What a lovely moment... they can be pretty evocative trees!
