Friday, February 18, 2011


In Springtime, planting teeny bulbs and seeds is one of my favourite things to do; you pat everything down amongst dark earth - bursting with potential energy - and wait as things grow beyond your sight. Today I was at home pretty much throughout the day, and happily witnessed two impossibly blue irises unfurl into flower.

Ah,  the little iris, which takes its name from the Greek Goddess of the rainbow (and is sometimes translated as 'eye of heaven'). In floral-speak, it symbolizes eloquence. In medieval times it had associations with kingship, with its three petals representing faith, wisdom and valour, and obviously the fleur-de-lys is based on its purdy unfurling of petals.

 They are such strangely beautiful things :-)

Represent eloquence, eh? Here's hoping for some productive writing time this weekend!


Anonymous said...

Beautiful images and I never knew that about the fleur-de-lys , despite many and varied associations with that symbol. Thank you!. Really taken by the second image in particular. Amazing texture, captured wonderfully. (By a nice coincidence, the word verification for the comment was "Spring").

Orlaith said...

Why, thank you! The second image was me playing with the 'macro' function on my little camera.

I think word verification sometimes hints at a tremendous inner order to the universe...
