Friday, July 23, 2010

Sisters in the City

Yesterday began and ended at Paddington. My sister was over, and in true only-have-one-day fashion, there was a wish list.

We managed to squeeze a bunch in: Harrods, Rigby & Peller, The Fifth Floor at Harvey Nichs (a restaurant I fell in love with from Henry Harris's cook book), Hamley's (with an epic Lego Buzz Lightyear) and miscellanous shops. Great catch-up, fits of giggles along the way, sigh of tolerance when I was more interested in sparkley kitty shop decorations than the handbags for sale. We did the wish list and more, for there was also the V&A, and a wide-eyed wander through Liberty's, with some feather-fun en route.

At one point, I reminded myself that I must get a third copy of the Fifth Floor cook book (a break-up counted for the first, and the second is with all my other books, undelivered. In Portugal somewhere. Away from me). 'Oh, is the replacement cookbook in the s-?' my sister began, then caught herself. 'I call it The Skip,' she admitted, with a cute smile.

And so the nebulous unknown place containing all I-owned-before-now has a name. The Skip.

It's good to be able to laugh about this stuff.

Gorgeous, treasured day :-)

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