Friday, July 16, 2010

Nascent Gifts

When going through difficult or traumatic times, I try to steady myself that it serves some purpose: perhaps it's a lesson to learn (or relearn); or it teaches me compassion for others going through something similar. I strive to think that it's somehow for my Greater Good, even if I'm incapable of seeing how or why, right at that moment.

I'll say any old stuff to get me through :-)

Last week, a friend of mine faced such a trauma. It happened to be something I'd gone through some years back. Often we stand as helpless onlookers to friends-in-crisis, but it turned out, there was something meaty & practical that I could do to help. Something that was pretty easy on my part: the Big Trauma experience had dragged me through enough of a learning curve that it felt second-nature. Small effort for me, but it meant a great deal for my friend.

Anyhoo, it got me thinking of those Steadying Thoughts of mine, wondering if they weren't wide enough. Maybe some of the gifts of our suffering are not intended for us at all. Perhaps they come into being so that they can blossom years later for someone else, to light a candle in their darkness.

And of course, we all know how much I love candles :-)

Have a scrumptious weekend, folks X

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