Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Oscar Night

(Getting around to this late, I know...)

Oscar Night at mine: the guests arrived in immaculate garb, having managed a media blackout for the day. Wager money filled up our little purple pot; there were divine cocktails and treaty nibbles around our miniature red carpet, some last minute side bets... and then the ceremony began.

More bets were soon suggested: worst melt-down, most cleavage - we kept ourselves amused :-)

And after the official ceremony, to decide on an ultimate winner for each category, we resorted to quiz questions. It transpired that this was kind of the same strategy as each of us walking over to my brother-in-law and handing over all our winnings. As it turned out, there could be only one :-)

Lovely evening. Thanks to all for all the participation, and for the fabulous brownies Tara! And well done on getting out of the Cottage with all the loot, Mike!

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